Event: Merchandise Connections - Germany

Let us invite you lot to a bring together unopen to other World of Trucks event!

As you lot lead maintain no dubiety noticed, alongside Update 1.32 nosotros lead maintain started working on upgrading the territory of Deutschland inwards Euro Truck Simulator 2. We'd similar to choose the community's attending to this ongoing operate alongside the assistance of this event, as well as maybe larn the correct form of inspiration for unopen to other major circular of map improvements that nosotros desire to showtime working on correct afterward nosotros are finished alongside Beyond the Baltic Sea DLC.

Reworking Deutschland is no slow task! It's the heart part of the ETS2 game globe through which many deliveries are taking place, as well as nosotros desire to brand certain that the results are solid. Now, at to the lowest degree inwards a sort of virtual way, you lot tin assistance us, too!

So far, nosotros lead maintain re-touched the northern part of the country, as well as nosotros cordially invite you lot at i time to re-visit it alongside the trial deliveries. But many to a greater extent than roads are to hold upward rebuilt from scratch, in that location are novel intersections coming, then many cities are waiting for a facelift as well as cleanup. This volition accept a ton of fabric as well as technology scientific discipline of all kind, exactly also diverse goods as well as supplies to sustain the hard-working construction crews on their long shifts. Therefore, nosotros would similar to enquire you lot to showtime pumping upward the economic scheme of Deutschland inwards the game alongside deliveries to as well as from the country. Just to hold upward clear, a successful wrap-up of the trial doesn't withal trigger a novel content drib for Germany. We are working difficult on it, as well as this trial may motivate us to operate fifty-fifty harder ;).

The rules of the event:

  • This is a community event - in that location is a personal goal for each participant, as well as in that location is also a global shared goal to consummate the event.
  • To earn your personal payoff for participation, your goal is to consummate a delivery of 10 cargoes to or from Germany, each starting or ending inwards unlike countries in the residual of Europe. The deliveries must hold upward longer than 300 km.
  • A full of fifteen meg tons of material, machinery, goods, food, and supplies must hold upward transported past times the community during the event. There is no distance confine for the community deliveries.
  • In lodge to qualify for the community reward, you lot must consummate at to the lowest degree your personal contribution.
  • The community payoff volition hold upward granted i time (Update) 15 meg tons of cargo are delivered. 
  • You demand to hold upward signed upward as well as connected to World of Trucks service for the online jobs to register.
  • To verify if you lot comply alongside the dominion to deliver to/from 10 unlike countries, you lot tin review your recent deliveries inwards the World of Truck's LogBook.

For your personal contribution of delivering 10 cargoes, you lot volition receive:

  • Brandenburg Gate dashboard mini-replica
  • 3 random the world pennants, mayhap including rare High German Pennant

If the community goal is achieved, you lot volition also receive:

  • German Shepherd bobblehead dashboard toy
  • Golden Stag dashboard statue
  • 'Under the Bridge' background for the game's primary menu

As you lot likely cry upward from the previous events, nosotros are taking payoff of Steam's Inventory infrastructure to "drop" the rewards to you. As a consequence, the private items tin hold upward traded or fifty-fifty sold through Steam. Just cry upward that if you lot larn rid of a item Inventory item, you lot volition no longer hold upward able to encounter it inwards the game's Upgrade Shop as well as equip your truck alongside it.

Sumber http://blog.scssoft.com/
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